The Wish of Rou Rou Zi

The Wish of RouRouZi (Diptych)
Ink and color on paper
179cm(W) X 92.5cm(H) (each)
Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. -Psalm 144:1
The marionette draw reference from the Chinese “lucky boys” (童子). An auspicious icon in ancient China, they carried a perpetually smiling faces and often appeared in Chinese almanac and depicted around the deities. However, behind the smiling faces were a deep yearn for freedom. The marionettes lived under an enclosed world with the sky covered by floor tiles and their movement controlled. Yet, as Pinocchio fought to become a real boy with flesh and mind, these marionettes flew kites and played hide and seek, dreamed for a day of freedom shall dawn upon them.