Admonitions to the Lollipopland Fight

Admonitions to Lollipopland Fight (A set of Twelve)
女史箴淘之棒棒糖國戰 (一組十二件)
Ink and color on xuan paper
48.5 cm (H) x 190 cm (W) each
A new interpretation to Bi Mo
In the world of Traditional Chinese Art, artists believe that copying isn't just acceptable, it's a necessity. From beginners to seasoned artists, mastering ancient techniques is like a replication game. This series of work takes two tales from two different dimensions and generations and weaves them into one, creating something entirely new.
The first story, "Admonitions of the Court Instructress," by Gu Kai Zhi, sheds light on the role of women in ancient times during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The second story, "Lollipopland," is the product of a seven-year-old's imagination named Ip Tin Yee. By combining these two stories, the artist offers a fresh perspective on the role of women throughout history, and a new interpretation to bi mo, bringing a reformative energy to Traditional Gongbi techniques.

Lollipopland Fight (A set of Six)
棒棒糖國戰 (一組六件)
Little Artist (Kidist): Ip Tin Yee